Sunday, February 18, 2007

Lewes River Festival, 30 June 2007

Message from Dan Ross, Community Ranger from Lewes District Council:

I am organising a River Festival on Lewes Railway Land Local Nature Reserve, on the 30th June 2007, and I am ringing/writing round lots of people I think may like to take part - or suggest someone who would.

The event will be a family community event celebrating the nature reserve and the Ouse river valley. There will be workshops and activities, such as willow weaving, performance including dance by local schools children, music by a local band, and lots of stands for community groups to either run activities or advertise their existence/products/services.

We are trying to invite many wildlife organisations so that their presence can help raise the profile of wildlife protection and the importance of local nature reserves.

Further details from Dan Ross, Community Ranger, Lewes District Council
Office: 01273 484408
Fax: 01273 484462

Toad crossings 2007

Sussex toads are on the move again and anyone who is interested in volunteering to help them across the roads should get in touch with Jenny Bacon on 01825 890236 or e-mail:

The toads head back to their traditional breeding pools after dark and need help so that they do not get run over. The picture shows some of the lucky ones being taken over in a bucket.